Keil 5.14

Problem with dynamic memory allocation

Sun, 2018-09-02 23:34--uched41

Hello, I am having a little problem allocating relatively large arrays using this chip, I am using SDK 5.0.4, I have a 2 structs,

typedef struct{ uint8_t x, uint8_t y;} s1;
typedef struct{
uint8_t c;
s1* buf; // pointer to array of first struct

然后我对th动态分配内存e second structure s2,

s2* mys2 = malloc( sizeof(s2) );

then inside an initializer for struct s2, I am allocating memory for struct s1

s2->buf = malloc( sizeof(s1)*length );

Keil uVision 5.14- Keil::ARMCortex_DPF package missing

Thu, 2015-06-04 09:57--bmorkunas

I am trying to port an existing solution to DA14580 and trying to install Keil (first time ever). I am having an issue: there is no choice of Keil:ARMCortex_DPF on the Packs side. Any ideas? Many thanks

(I am attaching an image for illustration)

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