How to use SEGGER RTT view - no IDE

Mon, 2020-04-13 16:55--daleonpz


我想妈ke SEGGER RTT work. I'm using CMake to compile my application on Ubuntu.

I added `#include SEGGER_RTT.h` to `main.c`. In main() I call `SEGGER_RTT_Init()` and then I just do a while loop with `SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0, "HELLO \n");`

In my `custom_config_qspi.h` I added `#define CONFIG_RTT 1`.

I also added the SEGGER_RTT.c and SEGGER_RTT_printf.c and SEGGER headers.

This is what I do:

- Build and flash my DA14681 microcontroller

- Grep from memory map the address of _SEGGER_RTT

SmartSnippets not connecting via JLink when trying to burn OTP

Fri, 2018-02-09 12:00--felipe.ferrazzi


I'm currently trying to burn the OTP on a DA14580 using a JLink interface and SmartSnippets.

When I open a new SS project, I select the JTag button and the software recognizes the JLink device successfully, however upon hitting the connect button in the OTP tab I get an answer stating that it was unable to establish a connection.


Sat, 2017-05-27 03:59--userYR

在使用 SmartSnippets Studio v1.5.3.837 开发 DA14680时,程序编译成功后,使用正版的JLink可以调试,但是不能使用脚本program_qspi_jtag_win进行烧写。
出现了'"..\..\..\binaries\cli_programmer.exe"' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序这样的错误。

JLINK Adapter to use with DA14580

Tue, 2015-03-03 00:51--jimctr

JLINK Adapter - It appears that the minimal pins used for the DA14580 is SWCLK, SWDIO, Reset, Vcc, Gnd. Is there an adapter that takes me down to the minimal number of pins? I checked on this page:https://www.segger.com/jlink-adapters.html. It looks like the J-Link 9-pin Cortex-M Adapter, would work with the following assumptions:

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