Tue, 2019-11-19 00:09--ant777222

I am making some changes to the CodeLess code to fit the application that I need. I have added a read notify characteristic that I would like to use to monitor when the input of one of the GPIO pins goes high and when it goes back to low. I want to use an IRQ to do this but I am not too sure where the best place to add the IRQ in the CodeLess code is. Where would the best place to add this IRQ be?




Sat, 2016-07-30 02:26--justinturley

I need help understanding what the GPIO_ResetIRQ( ) call does, please.

Just to test its function I register the GPIO callback, enable the IRQ, then immediately RESET the IRQ (as shown below). I set a break point in button1_press( ), and even though I reset the IRQ the callback function is still called after an interrupt from pressing the button. So then, what does it do? The description found in the SDK documentation is less than helpful -> "Resets a GPIOn_IRQ interrupt."

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