IOT Sensor development kit

Data logging in IOT sensor Kit using smartsnippets

Thu, 2018-01-18 06:25--yashas

hey there,
We are using the IOT sensor kit for DA14583 provided by Dialog. Wanted to check if there is a way to plot the data from sensors on pc using smart snippets.
and can be get the plots from the mobile phone application on pc (we need to have a look at the waveforms of all the sensors ).


Free fall detection

Wed, 2017-07-26 17:28--mhd munzer

Hello everyone!
I am trying to implement a free fall detector using the IOT sensor, I want the any motion detection to be replaced by the free fall detection interrupt.
I tried and tried but it keeps not working, and here is my code :
in user sensor.c :

void user_bmi160_config_low-g_intr( void ) {



How to adjust sample rate of accelerometer in IOT sensor dongle

Wed, 2017-03-15 09:12--Elvis1991


I am working on DA14583 IOT sensor development kit. I would like to increase the sample rate of accelerometer and gyroscope to 100 Hz by using raw data project.
I read the sample code and find the default sample rate is 25 Hz.
Is there any configuration file that I can adjust the sample rate and range of sensors? ( I mean for BLE side)
Could you give me some hints? Thanks.

Best Regards,

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