
External interruption tutorial runs only once

Sun, 2018-06-10 15:39--DMeynen

Hi Dialog,

I'm trying to run the External interruption tutorial on the DA14681 basic dev board.
I followed the tutorial as described and when, after a reset, i push the button, an "A" gets printed in the terminal.

But when I press again, the interrupt does not react anymore.

What is going wrong?

I added the code in the attachment.

external GPIO interrupt on rising edge

Mon, 2017-07-10 04:59--stanley_yeh

I am using DA14585 with SDK 6.0.4, I also enabled ext-sleep mode.
A g-sensor is connected to a DA14585 through i2c. There is a interrupt pin.
The interruption of the sensor is designed as initially high, once the data ready, the interrupt pin will be low and then be high.
I would like to detect the rising edge for the interrupt pin, and I configure it as followings:

ext_wakeup_cb() not called

Tue, 2015-10-13 11:09--aritec

Beside the advertising interval, I'd like to wake up our application on a asynchrone fashion as described in your documentation.
We use the extended sleep mode.
Before putting a sleep, I configure the ports, register the callback function and enable the irq.
Downloading und running the application by J-Link and everything works well.

Programming the same application into our EEPROM by SmartSnippets it behaves different. Everything is working the same, but the callback function got never called. The advertising interval is working fine.

How does the UART2 RX Interrupt work ?

Thu, 2015-09-24 14:29--ankitdaf


I am trying to understand how the UART2 Receive interrupt callback flow works, can somebody help me out please?

In the example uart2_async provided in peripheral_examples in SDK , the method UART2_Handler calls uart2_rec_data_available_isr , but I don’t understand what is calling the UART2_Handler method itself.

Also there is a UART2_Handler_func method that doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere. Can someone please shed some light on how this is set up, so I can use it correctly ?


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