
DA14531 Dev Kit Hibernation Mode

Fri, 2020-02-14 20:24--djames

So I've been working with the DA14531 Dev Kit Pro and I have been having trouble getting the MCU into hibernation mode. I'm just trying to do some preliminary tests and power characterization so I wanted to just use the example code. Following the instructions in the "Sleep Mode Tutorial" I wasn't able to get it to go into hibernation mode. On the test board I'm seeing anywhere from 200-400 uA depending on the voltage and whether or not I'm in buck or boost mode. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

DA14681 goes into hibernation but after 2 wakeups it do not go again?


Hi dialog

I am working on custom board based on DA1468x i am using command


to put it in hibernation. It goes into hiberanation and wakeups with external GPIO interrupt but after waking up 2 times it do not go into hibernation.

Is it related to that logic that hibernation mode is for ship devices to customer . When customer on the device then this piecce of code is disabled?

Is my understanding right?

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