
Thu, 2020-02-13 09:17--alex.jian

HI Dialog




2.使用SmartSnippets Toolbox v5.0.10的Flash Programmer燒錄程式,燒錄成功後,開發版在我重新上電(USB拔除後插回)後並沒有執行程式請問在燒錄完成後需要做什麼動作才能讓上電後執行燒錄的程式

DA14580 spi flash's pin assignment

星期二,2017-09-26三十八分--Simon WANG

Dear Sir,

I have changed the pin assignments for the flash which runs the program.
The following list is the mapping.
SPI_CS P0_3 --> P0_2
SPI_CLK P0_0 --> P2_1
SPI_DO P0_5 --> P0_3
SPI_DI P0_6 --> P0_4

I only change the pin assignments in user_peripheral.h and I also find there is no reference for these SPI PIN definitions.

Can I handle program sizes larger than 32 KB with OTA?

Mon, 2017-09-25 05:58--sogabe

If you use the secondary boot loader to do OTA, in the tutorial document, the configuration of FLASH memory is described with a capacity of 128 KB.
In this case, I understood that the program size can be within 32 KB.
If you use a larger size memory, will OTA be possible for program size as well as over 32 KB?

If "Yes", can you tell me how the memory structure will be?


Wed, 2017-08-02 16:31--christianrudmann

I'm trying to program the DA14580 via UART with a STM32. I followed the introduction of the "DA1458x Booting from serial interfaces" document.
I converted the .hex file to .bin file to .h file (which is a simple array of the .bin data). The .bin file is working fine, when I flash it directly with SmartSnippets into the SRAM.

But by flashing with UART I have problems. What I'm doing:

Spi Flash example not working on DA14583

Sat, 2017-07-22 12:55--Niekvdd

Hi All,

No question here just wanted to inform anybody else that is having the same issue as I did, since I already found a workaround.

The problem I had was that the flash was not correctly written to, even though I used the SPI_Flash example, without any changes made. Reading the flash only gave me zeros (everything was 0x00).
However when I made the following changes, it worked.

In spi_flash.c , the snippet below generates the error.

DA14583 not found in Smartsnippets

Tue, 2016-03-22 15:59--Inok


I use the DA14583 in my own design.
For developing I use Keil ULINK Pro on the Pins SW_CLK (26) and SWDIO (25).
I can download the software from uVision and start it properly and now I want to write the code into the flash
As far I have seen this is not possible from Keil uVision 5.15 directly, it seems I need Smartsnippets.
I installed Smartsnippets V3.9, 64Bit and expect using Keil ULINK Pro as well, but when I start Smartsnippets, the project and virtual com port / JTAG selection opens but I can not see my board.


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