Data Transmission Speed for digital sensor

Thu, 2020-06-25 09:34--pratikshinde


I want to use DA14531 Tiny Module for reading and transmitting digital inputs to control system placed on 5m distance.

Following is setup,

4 Digital Inputs -> DA14531 wireless transmission to DA14531 -> 4 Digital Outputs.

I want to read these inputs at higher frequency lets say 1000 to 5000 times per second. So that I will not miss any change on input side sensors.

Is it possible to achieve this with high data rates over DA14531?

Can we use Tiny Module and DSPS for this purpose?



585 两个芯片交互

Tue, 2019-03-26 01:55--2862707555



1)device代码在什么地方(用什么函数)读取host传来的数据? device代码在什么地方(用什么函数)传数据给host?


Custom DSPS application not receiving all bytes

Mon, 2019-02-11 22:13--ao

Hi Dialog,

I am currently developing firmware using the DSPS application with a DA14580 chip on a custom board. In this project, I am using a GPIO pin to turn on and off an external microcontroller in order to conserve power when the microcontroller is not in use. When I need to use the microcontroller, I send a short command to the DA14580 using a mobile phone, the DA14850 then wakes up the external microcontroller with a GPIO pin, sets up the UART, sends the short command, then waits to receive data to send to the phone.

How to change target BT address (DA1458x DSPS host example)

Thu, 2018-12-13 00:29--Jiman Kim

I'm trying to make BLE dongle with DA14583 using DA1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2

One of the specifications of my dongle is "Can change target BT device(slave device) during operation"

I could assign target BT address by modifying
void user_on_adv_report_ind(struct gapm_adv_report_ind const * param) in user_sps_host.c
I changed this function to accept specific BT address (newly made global variable)
I also could chage this global variable via uart (I confirmed the global variable changed)


Fri, 2018-09-28 19:25--Kaiyuan Zhu


我公司开发基于DA1458X DSPS的应用,用的是自己的版,但是代码基于官方DSPS。从主处理器能通过UART发送并启动DA14580的程序,但是之后通过同样的UART串口(115200波特率)发送一个包,调试器并没有跳到__wrap_UART_Handler函数里。UART初始化和GPIO设定与官方DSPS一致,除了调试时睡眠模式是关闭的。暂停调试器发现正在无限运行以下反汇编:

0x00028158 6B00 LDR r0, [r0, #0x30]
0x0002815A 4700 BX r0

0x0002815C B510 PUSH {r4,lr}SystemInit
0x0002815E 4822 LDR r0,[pc,#136] ; @0x000281E8
0x00028160 6881 LDR r1,[r0,#0x08]
0x00028162 0709 LSLS r1,r1,#28]
0x00028164 0F09 LSRS r1,r1,#28main
0x00028166 2901 CMP r1,#0x0184] ; @0x20003A80
0x00028168 D01A BEQ 0x000281A0


Fri, 2018-09-28 06:45--randyzhou

测试585官方的DSPS功能看不到测试效果:硬件环境为dialog 开发板The Pro DK board 跳帽选择是UART的方式非SPI方式,运行代码为官方的DSPS代码DA14585_DSPS_v_6.150.2中的dsps-device工程,正常编译后JLINK方式调试,用IOS手机的DSPS app应用开启后连接sps-585设备,选择Read/Transfer Data选项进行发送跟接受测试,在Send Console Mode Data中不管是ASCLL还是HEX选项进去发送数据,在Receive Console Mode Data 项中未接收到任何数据。请问是否需要在代码中修改相关内容还是别的需要注意事项,官方文档UM-B-088 DA14585 Serial Port Service Reference Application_v1.0 上面也没说明有需要特别设置的地方,请问是否那个地方或环节需要修改或设置.


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