Deep sleep

10 second auto-wakeup

Fri, 2018-12-14 23:38--abarangan

On the DA14580, we have been using deep sleep and a wakeup mechanism that relies on a level transition on a GPIO. This has worked very well and reliably. Recently, we wanted to incorporate an additional feature that requires a timed wakeup every 1-3 minutes. This is achieved by putting the device into deep sleep mode just prior to setting a timer using app_easy_timer. This is working generally as expected however I'm noticing that every 10 seconds the device wakes up on its own very briefly and goes back to sleep.

Can not enter to deep sleep mode

Mon, 2017-07-10 09:55--RexDevelopment

Hi Dialog,

1.I use 'app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_with_timeout_start(uint16_t delay, void (*timeout_callback)(void))' to do Advertising, then close it after 10 seconds (delay is 10s), and I add a 'arch_set_sleep_mode(ARCH_DEEP_SLEEP_ON)' in 'static void app_easy_gap_advertise_stop_handler(void)' to make DA14580 go to deep sleep, but it does not enter deep sleep. Are there other processes or functions that I need to close before DA14580 can go to deep sleep?

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