DA14583 current measurement Pro kit

DA14695-00HQDEVKT-U kit and current measurement

Wed, 2020-05-27 11:08--mtailor

I have just bought the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A for power current measurement.
It supplies 1.8 to 3.3v as a power supply and provides a measure of the current draw down to a resolution of 100nA.

Is there a convenient place that I can attach the NUCLEO power supply so that it only supplies the 14695 + flash chi so that I can measure the current it is consuming and does not include the current for all the other chips on the board like the segger chip.

Look forward to hearing from you.


0.5mA static current with DA14583 / Pro kit

Tue, 2016-05-03 10:05--uta_lc

Hi there,

I am using proxy_reporter and iOS app to measure current using with DA14583 / Pro kit. But always have 0.5mA ish static current in Smartsnippets measuring while the dynamic behavior looks OK (Tx/Rx waveform good). iOS app maintains good connection. Please see attached current measurement plot.

Changes from out-of-box SDK 5.0.3 (above drop down menu only allows me to choose the highest version).
1. HW_CONFIG => 2 (pro kit)
2. select prox_reporter_583 in Keil (5)

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