
IoT kit da14583 to da14580

Wed, 2016-11-02 21:04--misisnik


I want to ask if is possible to edit firmware from IoT development kit which is running under da14583 (https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/connectivity/reference-design/d...) to the murata -- just normall da14580.

I have been connected externall flash memory to P0.7 as CS, P0_0 as SDO, P0_2 as SCK and P0_1 as SDI.
My question is If its enought to edit ports in platform/user_platform.h due to my HW design, or is more to do for it ?


Fri, 2016-07-15 21:28--zwang308

Hi Dialog,

I found a command GATTC_READ_CMD_IND in gattc_task.h however it is not specified in RW-BLE-GATT-IS. I tried to add a handle of this command in custs1_task.c to capture a read event from master side but my handler function is never called. Also, I did not find any place in SDK 5.0.3 using this message.

Is there anything special for this message? Do we support it on DA14580?

如果没有,我们有一个方法来捕捉甚至读t from master side on DA14580?

Thanks a lot.

DSPS - can't discover the device in the app

Fri, 2016-07-01 14:10--mraninec


I downloaded DSPS 5.150.2 and without any changes I loadedsps_deviceproject to my custom board (basically only a little module with DA14580 and its necessary circuitry) to verify board's functionality. I can detect the device in any BLE scanning app (for example nRF Master Control Center), but not in DSPS app (tried both Android and iOS). Are any changes in project required in order to make the project work on the custom board, even when I don't need to use any peripherals and interfaces for now?

Best Regards,

Limitations to using pin 1_2 and 1_3

Fri, 2016-05-27 09:04--ankitdaf


I came across a custom board design around the Da14580 which has something peculiar in it's schematic. It states that "P1_2 and P1_3 cannot be toggled when 16 MHz XTAL is" .(the last word is cut off).

Is there any restriction on using pin 1_2 and 1_3 ? Is there any special dependency on the XTAL or some other peripheral ?

I tried looking for this in the datasheet but didn't find anything

Can I safely use it in my design for I2C ?


Cannot enter sleep mode

Mon, 2016-05-23 08:10--ankitdaf


I am using the ble_app_barebone example. I read the UM-006 on sleep mode thoroughly.

The application does not seem to enter sleep mode at all.

The main loop inside arch_main is the same as in the ble_app_barebone.

I tried to add
if ((sleep_mode == mode_ext_sleep) || (sleep_mode == mode_deep_sleep)) {

but that did nothing.

I have defined

#define CFG_EXT_SLEEP // For extended sleep mode

Switch off peripherals

Fri, 2016-05-20 07:20--ankitdaf


This might be a silly question, but is it possible to save power by switching off peripherals individually when the 580 is _not_ in sleep mode ?

The current consumption is a bit high right now (around 25mA) and I want to bring it down. Is it possible to switch off individual peripheral blocks without putting the device in sleep mode ?
I am using the UART, I2C and app_easy_timers only with data stored in external winbond spi flash.


Porting from DA14580 to DA14583

Mon, 2016-05-09 10:25--ankitdaf


I am using the Basic development board for DA14580 with an external WinBond chip, and the device is working fine. I wanted to understand how to port such an application from DA14580 to DA14583.

1. Is there a document which lists down all the steps required to port from DA14580 to DA14583 ?
2. How do I make SUOTA work with DA14583 ? Is the memory layout (memory address) unchanged ?
3. Is the DA14583 a drop-in replacement for the 580, or will I have to change the PCB schematics and layout ?


Issue with app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_get_active()

Fri, 2016-04-15 15:44--ankitdaf


I want to update the value of a characteristic when UART data is received. I am building on top of ble_app_barebone example, and modifying the long val of custs1 profile.

I have implemented uart2_read_completion_cb(uint8_t status) to trigger the update (with notification).

Enabling multiple peripherals to connect to central

Wed, 2016-03-30 13:01--ankitdaf


I am trying to get 2 different Android phones to connect to the DA14580.

I am using the "ble_app_barebone template" provided with the SDK. I changed the CFG_MAX_CONNECTIONS parameter to 4 to allow multiple devices to connect.
然而,一旦第一个设备连接,另一个devices are unable to see the DA14580 (advertisement stops) and the other devices are unable to connect to the DA14580.

I read that the 580 allows for a maximum of 6 simultaneous connections, can somebody please help me with how to do this ?

Thanks !


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