
Related to OTP

Wed, 2018-11-14 09:57--alan.a

I used Da14580. I understand that in production time OTP is used for flashing program is it right?
when i read my .map file of application
Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 22340 ( 21.82kB)
Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 8572 ( 8.37kB)
Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 23040 ( 22.50kB)
shows like above.
what are the maximum size that application should fit for otp memory. can you described based on above .map details?

how to program SPI flash in DA14580 basic kit

Wed, 2018-11-14 09:48--alan.a

I have da14580 Basic kit. I want to flash my application to SPI and execute program from spi flash. can you help me how i done this?
i have no idea about this how to flash in spi ? what are the settings done in Board? need a help to flash my application to this board please provide step by step procedure

Related to kernel timer

Thu, 2018-11-08 11:03--alan.a

i have some doubts in kernel timer
1. if i try to implement a wall clock using this kernel timer how much time drift occurs in 24 hours?
2. can you provide an example or document how to use this kernel timer (setting,handling. etc...)?
3. In my application i want BLE beaconing in every 6 hours gap . i think if i use this kernel timer(max delay 5 minutes) and wakeup on 5 minutes
to track this 6 hours(for next beaconing). is it possible to implement this?

smartsnippets not detecting da14580 custom board

Sun, 2018-09-30 13:44--paramvir.in@gma...


we have developed custom board based on DA14580 and trying to connect to smartsnippets studio with the following pin configuration on development kit pro

VPP -> pin 1 on custom board (tried with not connected too)
GND -> pin 2 on custom board
SWDIO -> pin 25 on custom board
SWCLK -> pin 27 on custom board

custom board is connected to the computer USB.



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