da14531 smart snippets studio spi

Beginner questions regarding DA14531 and SmartSnippets Studio

Sat, 2020-01-18 01:30--thespixxyq

Hello. I am really interested in your DA14531, because it looks like perfect SoC for my project. I am beginner, I have never used any Dialog HW before; I have never heard of Dialog until like 2 weeks ago, respectively. But to questions.

1) I am going to use external SPI flash, SPI IMU sensor and 32kHz crystal. In this case I will need to remap MISO and SCK to another pins in OTP memory, right? For example MISO P0_2 and SCK P0_5 would be ok?

2) When using SPI flash - will I be able to use this SPI interface for both flash and IMU?

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