connection interval

Auto disconnect related to connection interval

星期四,2017-02-16 03:11--sentimental

I use 14580 Pro board, SDK5.0.4. I found that when fixed the sensor sampling rate, if I set the connection interval too large, the board will disconnect after several minutes. If I change the connection interval smaller then it won't disconnect. When it is disconnected, it stops at:
void wrap_platform_reset(uint32_t error)
ASSERT_WARNING(error==RESET_AFTER_SPOTA_UPDATE); //do not break in case of a SPOTA reset

Maximum connection interval

Sat, 2017-02-11 16:07--sentimental

I'm using PRO board and SDK 5.0.4. I'd like to set a large connection interval to reduce power consumption. Based on ble_peripheral project, I change parameters in user _config.h. When I change the interval to around 300ms, it works and I can see the waveform using powerprofiler. However, when I set the connection interval further to around 3.6~4.0s which is the limit according to BLE specification, the actual interval is still 30ms. This is my user.config.h: (I didn't change other places)

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