
Current peaks during advertising and connection event

Fri, 2017-02-10 23:41--sentimental

I'm using PRO board, SDK5.0.4. I'm interested in how power consumption changes during connection event and advertising. The attachment includes power profiles during advertising and connection, from the tutorial and my measurement.
During advertising, there are three adjacent peaks at the end of each advertising period. Since the interval between these peaks is only 1.5ms, it seems that they are not the three advertising channels(the advertising interval is set to be 50ms). So what are these peaks and why there are three?

DA14580 Development Kit Basic Connections

Sun, 2015-12-13 04:23--sarab

I just started to work with DA14580DEVKT-B board and I want to make a data transmission between two DA14580DEVKT-B boards. I have some questions:
I am not sure about the connection between the microcontroller and the BLE. Because in the schematic in the UM-B-048 there is no SPI connection and I just found a UART connection but in UM-B-051 it is said that the communication should be done by SPI. Which one is correct?
How can I make sure that the BLE is working? Because I cannot find the BLEs with DSPS software.

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