
Concurrent operation of Central and Peripheral mode

Thu, 2020-11-26 07:25--Thieny


我在IoT-Device上使用DA14531Mod模块,并希望将模块连接到BT传感器,因为Master / Central和“同时”将智能手机连接到模块,该模块可以使用模块作为从属/外围设备控制IOT设备。当IoT设备连接到传感器以实现其数据时,用户不应在其智能手机上获取应用程序中的断开通知。

Is it possible to set up this configuration with CodeLess? And how can I do this?
How many connections at one time are possible with the DA14531MOD in central role?

JTAG/SWD Connection

Wed, 2020-11-25 10:14--Thieny


I want to flash the CodeLess image on a DA14531MOD module mounted on a custom pcb.
To do so I tried to connect to the module via JTAG/SWD using the SmartSnippet Toolbox (V5.0.14).

I connected the VBAT, GND, SWDIO (J9/P0_10) and SWCLK (J10/P0_2) pins to my Segger J-Link debug probe and the moudle is powered up. The debug probe is connected via USB to the PC. Drivers are installed.

Codeless I2C does not work properly on DA14531 TINY module

Wed, 2020-08-26 20:13--Sergei Bezroukov

Hi there,

I use DA14531 TINY module with Codeless SDK 6.380.10.4 and factory compiled codeless_531_standalone_set_two.hex image along with TI's HDC1000 sensor. Problems occur when I read or write to sensor registers.

By reading a register, the commands are as follows (see attached console session):





CodeLess Compile Error

Wed, 2020-07-22 10:42--MrWeng

I am using DA145xx_CODELESS_6.380.10.4. When I add a code "user_cmd_interpreter("AT+BINREQACK\r\n",sizeof("AT +BINREQACK\r\n"),CMD_SRC_REMOTE);", when I was compiling, the following error message was generated:

.\out_531\codeless_531_datapump.axf: Error: L6221E: Execution region ZI_DATA with Execution range [0x07fc91d0,0x07fc9768) overlaps with Execution region RET_HEAP with Execution range [0x07fc9730,0x07fca600).

Please help me to solve this problem.Thanks a lot

Custom Message on BLE UART

Tue, 2020-02-18 14:24--evilemi


We are developing a specific application that contains the DA14580 based BLE module.

Our custom board has its own MCU and the DA14580 BLE module is connected to the MCU via the UART channel.


Basically, we are able to send CodeLess AT commands and receive a response from the BLE module.

However, we would like to receive a custom message (might be also a character) on the MCU UART channel on each BLE connection/disconnection state.


Tue, 2019-11-19 00:09--ant777222




Stop advertising after failed pin for certain amount of time

Fri, 2019-10-18 14:30--ant777222

I have been working with the codeless AT command code for the DA14580. I have made some changes to fit the application that I need. I was wondering if there is a way to keep track of failed connections if a wrong pin is entered. For example, I would like to implement a scenario where if a pin was entered wrong 5 times, I would like to stop advertising for 5 minutes. I would like to add this as an added security feature. Is this possible to do and how would I keep track of failed connecions if it is?



custom GATT services/characteristics with CodeLess

Sat, 2017-12-30 14:51--veranith


- as a CENTRAL / GATT client, to discover GATT serv/chars and then query the PERIPHERAL / GATT server to READ, WRITE, subscribe to NOTIFYs, etc.
- as a PERIPHERAL / GATT server, to define a set of services and characteristics.

Is there something planned in this direction ?

Many thanks



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