
DA14683 J-Link debugger prevents PPL from locking

Thu, 2018-03-22 11:21--mshar

SDK: DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.12.1078

I am attempting to debug some code on a DA14683, however, when I have a JTAG debugger attached and attempt to step through the code, it's waiting for the PLL to lock. After a varying amount of time (few mins up to 40+ mins) the code continues. When I don't have a debugger attached the software runs as expected.

Additionally, if I let the board start up and then attach a debugger, it's okay.

16M clock source and power supply

Mon, 2015-12-28 06:07--enormous

We are targeting a very compact design. Thus, we have two questions for the external circuits of the DA14580/14581:
1. Do we have to use the 16Mhz Crystal? There is 16Mhz RC oscillator inside the silicon, can we use that instead? Can we also use external 16Mhz clock source to replace the crystal? Same question also applies to 32kHz clock source as well.
2. For the power supply of the chip. Can we skip the Buck converter to save the space of the bulk inductor? Instead, we plan to use two regulated power rails to supply VBAT and VDCDC, is this doable?

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