
BLE read characteristic with notification

Tue, 2019-08-06 10:02--维特尔


I am trying to configure READ characteristic with notification attribute. At the moment I can see this characteristic on android app (nRF Connect) with properties READ and NOTIFY. On android app, I can't see the possibility to subscribe this characteristic. To update value in this characteristic, I have to press read button manually.

Is there any tutorial or demo/example that shows how to configure that kind of characteristic?

Best regards,


Cannot update characteristic value if connection is not made

Thu, 2016-04-21 06:30--ankitdaf


I am using the ble_app_profile as a base, and I am trying to write a value to a characteristic based on UART. I am able to do a ke_msg_send from the UART callback to set the value, but the value is only changed when there is a central connected to the 580. If there is no central connected to the 580, the updates are all discarded.

How can I ensure that the values received over UART are reflected in the characteristic, irrespective of whether a central is connected to the 580 or not ?


Presentation format

Wed, 2016-04-13 11:32--ankitdaf


I am trying to set a presentation format for a custom characteristic that I am added to CUSTS1 service in the ble_app_peripheral example.

I am unable to figure out the code and more importantly, where to insert the code, in order to display the characteristic value as text. At the moment, I am able to see the characteristic value as empty, but I want to set it as readable text.

How do I set the presentation format for a characteristic ?


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