Terminal output using uVision

Wed, 2017-11-22 14:16--TMiranda

I'm currently doing the tutorials presented on the SDK 6 Software Developer's Guide on my DA14585, using the newest SDK (6.0.6) and uVision (5.24.1).

In the Software Guide, the blinky example uses the Tera Terminal to show the output console. My doubt is: Is it possible to show the output in the uVision serial windows? I've seen that uVision have UART #1, #2, #3 and a Debug (printf) Viewer, but I've found no examples of any of those windows being used to display output as a terminal/console.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

Tera Term not working

Tue, 2015-06-09 13:50--danielc008

I am using the Basic DA14580 development board, following instructions in UM_B_025 DA14580_581_Bluetooth_Smart_developement_kit-Basic V2.2, using Keil 5.15. The Blinky example runs on the board fine, i.e. LED blinks. However, the Tera Term is not showing any output. I am connected through COM9, Jlink CDC UART port in the drop down. The appearance of that in the dropdown should indicate it's detecting the device correctly, but yet no output in the terminal.


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