BLE software

How to two ble devices connect with one android phone at same time?

Fri, 2015-12-18 05:58--Rk_menat

I want to connect(paring) two BLE slave device with android application. and modified the BLE services parameter.

I have a few question related to BLE connection,
1) Is it possible to connect two or mode ble device with android application?
3)马克斯多少奴隶设备可以连接或削皮with master device?
2) If 2 or more ble device connection successful, it is possible to modified particular BLE device parameter ?

how could I use AD14580 to develop some BLE applications

Mon, 2015-06-01 07:52--12ycli

Recently I was using AD14580 to develop some BLE applications.Now I met some problems.I can't get any development.
At first,I learned some periphrals,such as timer,spi.They works well.Then I run some BLE examples on DA14580.They also works.But I can't understand the software architecture even I read some pdf file like UM-B-015_DA14580 Software architecture v4.0 or UM-B-003 Software Development Guide 1.4 for several days.
Now I only know a little about RW,profile.I prepare to read some books about BLE to see whether it can become better .

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