
Sun, 2017-03-12 21:05--mgrabaunc

Good Afternoon,

I have purchased a PAN1740 evaluation kit from the board. I would like to customize the beacon's identifier strings (they are currently set as per the value indicated in UM-B-019).

How can I go about doing this? I have found reference to using the Smart Tag (proximity) samples from the SDK, but the software did not want to boot after programming (at least I could not see anything in the Locate application).

Thank you in advance for an indication of where I might be able to look for more information.

Best regards,

Booting PAN1740 (implemented based on DA14580)

Sat, 2016-10-22 02:00--chanmi168

Hi All,

I tried to contact Panasonic already, but they respond slowly (once per week) that's why I come here to ask for help. My question is that how do you boot a PAN1740 chip using an FTDI TTL cable. I will start by describing my approach as follow:

1. Connection:
FTDI RXD ------ PAN1740 Pin6 (P0.4 UART TX)
FTDI TXD ------ PAN1740 Pin5 (P0.5 UART RX)
External Power Supply 3.0V ------ PAN1740 Pin8 (Vcc)
External Ground ------ PAN1740 Pin19 (GND) and FTDI GND

Programm The PAN1740

Tue, 2016-07-05 07:28--gert186


I have written or better adapt the DSPS and would like to burn it permanent to the PAN1740. I have produced a *.hex File and It works like a charme if i use the Connection Manager for downloading. If the Power is interrupted I have to Load the Firmware again. How can I handle that problem that it would start automatically or better start my programm without connection manager ? Is there any routine ?

DSPS : Data missed/erreneous intermittantly

Wed, 2015-06-03 10:52--Aravinda

We are using the PAN1740 USB dongle and the DA14580_DSPS_3.150.2 "sps_device" firmware on it. We have an external controller sending the data to the DA14580 through UART.
We are sending about 10 bytes of data through UART each time the user presses a key. We observe the received data over BT using the DSPS app on android.
What we see is that sometimes, upon key press, all the bytes are received correctly, sometimes the complete data is missed and does not appear on the android device. We also observe that sometimes junk characters appear in the console.

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