Changing notification interval for DA14580 DSPS

Thu, 2018-02-08 16:37--RoniKreinin

我用DA14580需求方v 5.150.2转移data from my sensor to a windows PC but there seems to be approximately a 25ms delay between notifications which is causing a large buffer to be created.
If I turn the sensor on for 2 seconds it will take approximately 30 seconds to receive all of the data on the PC.

Is there any way to reduce the delay between notifications?


Using USB D+/D- signals instead of UART

Thu, 2018-02-01 13:55--RoniKreinin

Hi Dialog team,

I am trying to use DSPS to send and receive data from a sensor but the sensor uses the USB protocol for communication.
Is it possible to configure the DA14580 to use pins 2_3 and 2_4 to read and write D+/D- signals for USB communication rather than Rx/Tx for UART?


Loading and running DSPS hex file

Wed, 2015-12-09 10:12--Chui

Hi all,

I just received a DA14580 basic demo kit, and have some issue activating the BT.

Successfully installed Keil v5, and ran the blinky test as described in the UM-B-048 Getting started document.
Then tried to run the DSPS (DA14580_DSPS_3.150.2___13_2_2015), got the application note (v1.3) from my distributor.

Then came the troubles, when I tried to follow the steps in §8.4:

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