
Auto connect da14580 and android app

Wed, 2016-11-30 12:47--sunnysingh

I am completely new to da14580 programming.
I wish to establish a ble connection between my android device and da14580 basic kit.

Here's how i wish to achieve this:
1) The da14580 starts scanning for nearby devices.
2) After identifing the baddr of the android device it sends a pairing requests to the phone.
3) The pairing is completed using passkey.

Q1) Where do need to specify the baddr it needs to connect to?
Q2) What are things to be kept in mind while making an automatic connection?

Auto Connect After Pairing

Tue, 2016-08-09 03:49--justinturley


I've searched the forums and ap notes, but I have not been successful in finding an example that is helpful to me. I would like to set up my peripheral device with custom service to connect automatically with the central after it has been paired. I built my project on top of the ble_app_peripheral project.

Currently I start undirected advertising after holding a button for 4 seconds. And this works well, but after power off then back on, I would like them to connect automatically.

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