

Tue, 2018-03-13 03:24--Ruchi Patel

Hello Dialog_Support,

I am using beacon mode to broadcast advertising data string. If i want to send some dynamic data then i changed the manufacturer data string and broadcast. At the mobile application side they are receiving advertising data but not getting the byte i have changed. BLE Scanner is able to receive data in form of raw data.

Mobile App is receiving 0 at data field so can you tell me where is the data field located in advertising data? Can you suggest any App other then ble scanner which can able to receive advertising data string?


Thu, 2018-03-01 12:05--stanley_yeh

Hi there,
Our customer wants to change advertising data by mobile phone, so I add a function to receive data from mobile.
I use the function - "app_easy_gap_update_adv_data" to set adv data, however, if the data from mobile is wrong, I found DA14585 will hang up and be reset by watch dog.
For example, if mobile send "FF FF FF FF FF" and I set the data to "app_easy_gap_update_adv_data", DA14585 will hang up and be reset.
How can I prevent this status? write a parser to confirm the data? Does there any rules or formats for advertising data?

4 questions about Advertising Data, DSPS, SUOTA, DISS

Fri, 2015-08-14 14:36--igotit


Now I'm working to implement the SUOTA functionality into DSPS reference peoject.
#1. Target Board : DA14580 Development Kit-PRO.
#2. base project : DSPS ref. preoject fromhttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/reference-designs
#3. SUOTA example code : prox_reporter.upprojx from the SDK
My starting project is above #2 and implement the SUOTA and DISS. The code modification is fully based on the above #3 source codes.

At final stage, the ambiguity is occurred.

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