
Late GAPM response

Tue, 2016-09-06 14:30--mabraun

Hi all,

I'm experiencing the following behavior: My application sends the GAPM_START_ADVERTISE_CMD command to TASK_GAPM. In terms of functionality, all works fine: The DA1458x starts advertising and I can establish a connection. The weird thing is that I only get the GAPM_CMP_EVT message (which is the confirm response to the GAPM_START_ADVERTISE_CMD command) AFTER a connection has been established! The communication sequence is as follows:

Auto Connect After Pairing

Tue, 2016-08-09 03:49--justinturley


I've searched the forums and ap notes, but I have not been successful in finding an example that is helpful to me. I would like to set up my peripheral device with custom service to connect automatically with the central after it has been paired. I built my project on top of the ble_app_peripheral project.

Currently I start undirected advertising after holding a button for 4 seconds. And this works well, but after power off then back on, I would like them to connect automatically.

Advertising without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests.

Sat, 2015-06-27 15:26--oren

Is it possible to advertise without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests?
Obviously, the module will become non-connectable and the scan-response data will not be broadcasted.
Will this mode save some power? Can you estimate how much in mAh?


14580 as peripheral slave get connected and continue to advertise

Tue, 2015-03-31 15:39--alex

According to the doc "RW-BLE-CTRL-SW-FS_0", table 4-1 "role combinations", the conected slave can continue to be adviser or sanner.
We develop our code based on proximity fh. we found after 14580 getting connected by centrol(android), others(adroid) can not scan it anymore, which should mean 14580 stopped advertise. but in our application, we'd like it continue to advertise, what should we do?

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