OTPprogramming with CLI

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Last seen:12 months 3 days ago
加入:2014-01-13 10:33
OTPprogramming with CLI

I'm trying to use the CLI to OTP my device by using the Smarsnippets version 3.6 and UART boot connection.
I'm also using the FTDI USB cable TTL-232R-3V3

Looking at the Application note AN-B-020, I should use following command (chapter 9.2.1)
c:\Program Files\ SmartSnippets \ bin>SmartSnippets.exe -type uartBooter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 41 -gpio P1_2 -uart P0_4 -file programmer_ES5.bin

I have modify the command to fit my device
SmartSnippets.exe -type uartBooter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 4 -gpio P0_6 -uart P0_0 -file C:\programmer_ES5.bin

It looks like the -type uartBooter is not available anymore?
Is the programmer_ES5.bin loader still the correct one to use?

Last seen:14 hours 36 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 15:49
Hi wsiaxel,

Hi wsiaxel,

This does look like the commands used in previous versions of SmartSnippets.

Below is the correct format for you to use is similar to this (try SmartSnippets.exe -help in a command window):

SmartSnippets.exe -type booter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 3 -gpio P1_2 -uart P0_0 -file "C:\programmer.bin" so compared to the command you have listed you have to changed:

uartBooter -> booter

The "-file" command can either be an input or output filename. For write commands it is an input bin or hex file, containing the data to be burned in DA14580. For read commands file, where data should be stored.is the program you are going to load. in your case it should be the program you are burning/loading into the DA14580.

Best Regards
