load program into OTP memory

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Liu Feng
Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-09-09 07:45
load program into OTP memory

I want to load program into OTP memory, and I found out some one put his notes in this forum, I follow it, but at the end, I found out the application is not behaving as it behaves in SRAM flashing approach. so I want to know whether below method is correct or not. below method is from this link:http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/how-program-otp-proximity-report...。你能帮我检查和建议?谢谢!

1. Edit my_app/da14580_config.fh and change the following values:
a. replace "#define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 1" with "#define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 0"
b. replace "#undef APP_BOOT_FROM_OTP" with "#define APP_BOOT_FROM_OTP"
c. replace "#undef READ_NVDS_STRUCT_FROM_OTP" with "#define READ_NVDS_STRUCT_FROM_OTP"

2. Recompile my_app and generate a new my_app.hex

3. Use OTP Programmer in Smart Snippets to burn my_app.hex into the OTP image. The default settings of Smart Snippets sets offset in OTP memory = 0000

4. Use OTP Programmer in Smart Snippets to burn the default OTP header but make the following changes before burning:
a. change Application Flag 1 from No to Yes
b. change Application Flag 2 from No to Yes
c. change 0x47FF4 (Remapping Flag) from "SRAM at 0" to "OTP at 0"
d. change 0x47FFC (JTAG enable flag) from Enabled to Disabled
e. I would retain the other defaults:
0x47F70 (package used) = WLCSP, 0x47F74 (32 KHz source selection) = XTAL32KHz, 0x47FD0 (Signature Algorithm) = None.
f. Fix the DMA length at 0x47FF8 to 0x1FC0.

5. Do NOT burn anything into the NVDS.

Last seen:1 month 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Lui Feng,

Hi Lui Feng,

What is your application do when burned in OTP that is different from SRAM? Also you should not change the Remapping Flag, you should keep it in default, always choose SRAM at 0.

Thanks MT_dialog

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