How do I increase the size of the heap? For using things like malloc
Heap_Size EQU 0x00000200
在startup_CMDK_CM0。但我am now 100% sure if this is the place or not as there are many references to heap in the code
Hi gcblair
If you want to increase the systems heap this is probably the way, but isn't tested and we dont know how the system will react.
Why you don't use the ke_malloc instead?
Thanks MT_dialog
I think I am increasing Heap_Size and it isn't making a difference from what I can see. I tested this by running a loop with malloc(1) until it returns a null pointer.
Why to use ke_malloc instead of the normal malloc? Is this the way you would recommend? If so, how can I increase the heap for ke_malloc?
I was not changing the right Heap_Size. I increased the heap and it seems to be fine now thanks
Hi gcbalir
Thanks for indicating.
BR MT_dialog