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Connie Wang
Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
Joined:2018-02-01 03:35

What's difference between Reverse-voltage Detection and Reverse-current Blocking?

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
Joined:2018-01-31 12:50

HiConnie Wang,in case of Reverse voltage detection if VOUT>VIN by 50mV (typically for most of our IPSs), IPS will automatically shutdown and protect the device from current flowing from VOUT to VIN. In case of reverse current blocking, so if IPS is in ON state, current may flow in both directions but if IPS is OFF, so current will not flow from VOUT to VIN. Also if VOUT>VIN and ON signal goes from low to HIGH, so IPS will not power up. Conclusion: Reverse voltage detection protect device even if IPS is in ON state and Reverse current blocking protect device only when IPS is in OFF state.