Hi Dialog Support,
After looking data sheet, 4.7.2 wake-up timer, it looks like wake up timer only works after pre-defined number of GPIO event, can I understand that external wake up method is the only way to wake up 14580 after falling into extended or deep sleep (by configuration in user_config.h?
If there is no way for 14580 to wake up automatically without external events, it means that either one button or one motion sensor must be implemented within the board. Is my understanding correct? If not correct, what procedure should I follow in order to wake up 14580 without external dependency?
I tried to use app_easy_timer with my defined timer call back function, but it looks like this call function is never triggered after falling into sleep.
Looking for clarification and help!
Thanks & Best regards,
Hi smdzjl007,
There are two ways to wake up the 580, if it has fall to sleep,
So about your question, it is possible to wake up your device with no external intervention via a kernel timer, please have in mind that the maximum time that a ke_timer can count is 5 minutes and the resolution of the timer is 10ms. How do you know that the device doesn't wake up ? What is the content of the callback and you can't see it executing (i mean do you toggle a LED or something like that) ? For example if you start advertising from that callback, are you able to see your device advertising ?
Thanks MT_dialog