Continue ADC sampling in the background, for BLE application

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Last seen:4年1月前
加入:2017-01-22 02:42
Continue ADC sampling in the background, for BLE application

Hi Dialog,
Is it possible to implement continue ADC sampling in the background?
For example, in DMA mode at BLE mode.
I'm not sure whether the OS_TIMER is precision to do the us/ms level sampling.
For a long period sampling, we can use the software timer - if no precision is required.
Does the HW ADC be blocked when system get into sleep for BLE application?

Is there a sample code for this ADC mode?


Last seen:3 months 2 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi jamesleo-konka,

Hi jamesleo-konka,

There is a sample of how to use the ADC in the peripherals demo. Currently the SDK doesn't support ADC operations over the DMA, additionally when the 68x goes to sleep all the peripherals including the DMA and the ADC are switched off, so you wont be able to be in sleep mode and have your ADC providing values. The reason for the DMA on the 68x is to offload the processor from peripheral interaction, and its not able to operate under sleep mode.

Thanks MT_dialog