Smart Snippets command line

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Last seen:1 year 10 months ago
加入:2016-06-08 15:26
Smart Snippets command line

Hi Dialog,
I want to read otp using command line interface of Smart Snippets so I use the following command:
SmartSnippets.exe -type otp -chip DA14583 -jtag -1 -cmd read_custom_code -file header.hex -offset 0x2000 -length 32
When I use it directly , I get a error " OTP memory read fail". If I open smart snippet GUI,select jtag port and press ' connect' ,and then If I run the above command , it runs successfully.So I came to a conclusion that we need to connect before reading , but I dint find any specific command to connect to the device in the User guide of SmartSnippets.Need your help!

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi dhirajp15,

Hi dhirajp15,

The connect button of the Smart Snippets downloads a fw in order for the tool to communicate with the 580 and read the OTP, you will have to download that fw in the 58x, you will be able to do that by using the -firmware parameter in your command or download it seperatelly. Below you can find a few example for this.

C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSnippets\bin>SmartSnippets.exe -type booter -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 30 -file "C:\Users\.....\SmartSnippets\resources\programmer_ES5.bin"

C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSnippets\bin>SmartSnippets.exe -type otp -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 30 -cmd write_header -file "C:\test\testing_otp_burning.hex"


C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSnippets\bin>SmartSnippets.exe -type otp -chip DA14580-01 -com_port 30 -firmware "C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\SmartSnippets\resources\programmer_ES5.bin" -cmd write_header -file "C:\test\testing_otp_burning.hex"

The firmware -firmware_file command that you are setting is the firmware file that should be downloaded to 580 before executing the command. Please check in Smart Snippets in the help option the User Guide pdf, in the bottom of the document it has the commands and syntax that Smart Snippets takes.

Thanks MT_dialog