DA14681-01A9, virtual Com port not found

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Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
Joined:2017-01-22 02:42
DA14681-01A9, virtual Com port not found

My dev board is DA14681-01A9.
I check the manual UM-B-047, 056, 066 to resovle the debug problem.
After build, there is a step to flash to target device -- by use of program_QSPI script. The console ask me to enter product_ID and virtual COM port.
But I can't find the virtual COM port in my computer (Windows 8.1 64 bit).
I remember the PC prompt me the JLink's driver is 32bit .... I ignored it.
What's wrong? How to check if the necessary driver has been installed corectly?
在我的设备管理器,没有设备problem, everything looks fine.



Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi jamesleo-konka,

Hi jamesleo-konka,

In your device manager you should see two virtual COM ports, if you are able to see those ports you should be ok, if not there devices in the device manager that are not operating properly (are you sure that there aren't any unconfigured devices ?). You are trying to program the qspi via the serial port, that has nothing to do with the Jlink, there are two options to erase/program the device, either via jtag (erase_qspi_jtag_win/program_qspi_jtag_win) or via serial (erase_qspi_serial_win/program_qspi_serial_win). Anyway If the FTDI drivers are not installed on your system your PC should see the dev kit's ports as unconfigured.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
Joined:2017-01-22 02:42

I dowloaded the new 64 bit version of OZone from Segger, and installed.
When start OZone debugger, it prompt to update firmware of DA14681's JLink debug onboard, like the Smartsnippets.
I do (update firmware). And there is no UART port in device manager.
Does the new firmware cancel the CDC (UART) function of debug chip? If so. how to restore the dual function (JTAG & UART) of debug chip?

After installing new version of OZone debugger, it doesn't work -- need a license.

What's the different between beginning a debugger task from Smartsnippets' s 'debug' icon and starting a debugger task from Smartsnippets's start menu ' OZone debugger'?



Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
Joined:2017-01-22 02:42

Thanks for your reply.
All of the driver were installed automaticlly when start up SmartSnippets.
I'm sure that there is no unconfigured devices.
Is it possible to program/debug device with JTAG interface? How to do?
There is no FTDI chips on board, would the debug chip build in FTDI serial protocol?

I thought the JTAG can program/debug DA14681, in the advantage of USB-UART interface if the basic dev board have it.



Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi jamesleo-konka,

Hi jamesleo-konka,

You mentioned on the begining of your post that you have a devkit, for the 681 there are two available dev kits:

  • The Basic, which has a JTAG on board and you can also use the UART downloading feature via the Atmel processor that acts as a JTAG.
  • The Pro, which has an FTDI and a JTAG

So which device you own ?

The Ozone debugger is a different tool from segger that adds up some features and tools in order for you to debug your application, the debuging method on Smart Snippets will just attach on the device and let you step through your code the Ozone debugger option on Smart Snippets will just launch the tool from SEGGER. You can find more information about the Ozone tool in the AN-B-040:DA1468x Using Ozone/Jlink for sw debugging.

Yes, all the drivers should be downloaded when installing the tools, in your device manager are you able to find your J-link connection (you should be able to find the installed driver for the device under Universal Serial Bus Controller). Yes you can program your device by the JTAG interface, you will have to use the script that says program_qspi_jtag_win.

As i ve mentioned the basic kit doesn't have an FTDI, but you will be able to burn the qspi via the UART virtual com port that the Jlink driver emulates, in case you are not able to find that COM port i suppose that after the update the VCOM was disabled. In order to re-enable the port you will have to open the Jlink Configurator and select the Jlink device, right click on the device and select under the Virtual COM-Port the "Enable" option.

还在你自己的一个基本工具和莱克阀门e to program it via UART there is a minor issue during programming due to the SEGGER driver, so during your first attempt to download code the procedure will fail, you should try programming the device one more in order to download code. Also a workaround that prevents the second downloading attempt is to modify the uart programming script by adding a "@echo a > COM%comprtnr% " command as indicated below in the following snippet:

@echo Please enter your COM port number and press enter.
@set /p comprtnr=-^>
@echo COMPORT=COM%comprtnr%
@echo a > COM%comprtnr%
@echo on
CALL "..\..\..\binaries\cli_programmer.exe" --prod-id %PRODUCT_ID% %RAM_SHUFFLING% COM%comprtnr% write_qspi_exec "%IMAGE%"
@echo off
goto :Finished

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
Joined:2017-01-22 02:42
Hi, Dialog,

Hi, Dialog,
You are right!
JLink CDC need to set 'Enable' manually -- go to SEGGER install directory(C:\program files(86)\SEGGER\Jlink_vxx\) and run JLinkConfig.exe.
After the driver installing, there is a 'JLink CDC UART port(COMx)' in device manager (COM and LPT).
I've download and debug the code succesfully via JTAG without UART port. And now I have another channel to download code or make communication with device.

Thanks so much.


Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi jamesleo-konka,

Hi jamesleo-konka,

If the answer was usefull please "Accept the answer".

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 5 months ago
Joined:2017-01-29 21:11
Thanks for the answer! This

Thanks for the answer! This was really helpful!!