Dear Dialog team,
I would like to be able to burn some custom data (such as serial number or some settings for the BLE module) to the OTP or the flash during production without using the Production Line Tool but rather with a simple JTAG connection to the DA14531.
How can this be achieved?
Hi posciamelo,
Let me ask you something : do you have you own production setup?
Let’s take the OTP as an example : if you open the SS Toolbox and read the OTP, you will see that you can save it and export it to a file. So, you could modify it (probably with python script) and import it again.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Yes I thought of that as a solution, but I was wondering if there is any way to selectively write on a certain address without the need to download-->modify-->rewrite the whole file.
Hi posciamelo,
Unfortunately no. This is possible with the PLT ( which is not an option for you ).
if you are interest in mass programming, there is now a jig available for DA14531 module. Please check this out:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Many thanks for your answer. The Jig looks really interesting but I would have some further questions I'd like to discuss in a PM. Could you please contact me?
Hi posciamelo,
Sorry for the delay. I will send you an email so we can discuss over email/phone.
Best regards, Robert
Hi posciamelo.
The solution I found for our project is to use the CLI commands of SmartSnippetsToolbox, like this:
SmartSnippetsToolbox.exe -type xxx -chip xxx -jtag xxx -cmd write_field -offset xxx -data xxx
We have our board attached using JTAG, but CLI can be configured in different ways. With this command we can save serial number and pre-configuration information. Other commands allow to save data in EEPROM or OTP as well.
Best regards,
The documentaion of the CLI commands can be found here:
Alternatively, you need to download the programming fw via UART/SPI at boot.
Here are the spec to interface the internal bootloader:
The firmware to be downloaded into the DA14531 module is Jtag_programmer.bin (for JTAG) and flash_programmer_531.bin (for UART)\utilities\flash_programmer
The source code of the flash_programmer project can be found on our SDK in the folder: ...
你需要编译凯尔for your desired configuration.
If you have installed SmartSnippets Toolbox or Studio than you will find a compiled version in the folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSnippetsToolbox\SmartSnippetsToolbox5.0.12\common_resources\SupportPackages\DA1453x\toolbox_resources\common\
Then Flash/OTP programming spec you can find here:
Thx, Paolo