教程内容如下所示,按步骤做完,在Power Profiler上看到的是空白。为了解发生了什么,我重新连接硬件,首先打开Power Profiler,能看到电流波动,再打开keil5.12的调试功能,并再次点击,停止调试的同时会让DA14531运行,但检测到的电流却降为0,我已截图上传到附件。
4. Extended Sleep configuration¶
配置DA14531device to extended sleep mode without OTP copy, follow the steps mentioned below.
- Open the proximity reporter project from:…projects/target_apps/ble_examples/prox_reporter/Keil_5
- Open the fileuser_config.hwhich is under the user_config folder.
- Set theapp_default_sleep_modevariable to ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON as shown below.
const static sleep_state_t app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON;
- Save and compile (f7) the project
- Build the project by pressing the BUILD button or browse through Project -> Build Target
- Connect a PRO DK 376-18-B motherboard to the PC. Make sure the daughter board of DA14531 is connected to the motherboard.
- Press the Start DEBUG session button and press again on the same button. This it will stop the debug session and make the DA14531 running.
- Open our SmartSnippets toolbox and click on Power Profiler (available from our web siteDialog Semiconductor Web Site.) to observe the BLE events and extended sleep.