Hy all,
I'm trying to use a White list to receive Scan Requests only from previously bounded Central.
1. I'm tracking all the Requests and trying to resolve the address of the known device during UNDIRECTED NON-CONNECTABLE advertising without any filtering policy. Here everything is OK.
2. After address resolved:
2.2. Add resolved random address to the white list using GAPM_WHITE_LIST_MGT_CMD (GAPM_ADD_DEV_IN_WLIST) to TASK_GAPM.
2.3. Start UNDIRECTED NON-CONNECTABLE advertising with ADV_ALLOW_SCAN_WLST_CON_WLST filter policy.
I'm continuously receiving the GAP_ERR_INVALID_PARAM error.
Question: How to track which parameter is invalid?
Best regards,
Hi mike_93,
Thanks for your question online. I have escalated internally, so I’ll get back to you as soon as I have feedback from the Team. Can I ask if you have a product based on the DA14585?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Yes, I'm using DA14580 Dev Kit Pro with DA14585 daughterboard.
Hi mike_93,
As mentioned in my previous comment, I have escalated your inquiry internally. I am waiting an answer from the Team.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi mike_93,
We have taken this offline from the Forum. I will email you in your registered address very shortly.
Thanks, PM_Dialog