Dear Dialog_Support,
Is it possible to call "user_app_adv_undirect_complete" function in user space except user_callback_config.h file? If yes then what should be the argument? Here the function "void user_app_adv_undirect_complete(uint8_t status)" has "status" as argument so during function call what should be used in place of "status"?
With Regards,
Hi Ruchi Patel,
What is that you would like to do ? You cannot just invoke the user_app_adv_undirect_complete, this is a callback triggered by the SDK when the advertising actually stops. The function is triggered by the reception of the gapm_cmp_evt_handler() as soon as a GAPM_CMP_EVT is captured from the BLE stack that will notify the application that the advertising has stopped, the status is a parameter of the message from the stack for the status of the operation.
Thanks MT_dialog
Dear Dialog_Support Team,
I want to configure role switch part in my application and i have configured that successfully but on timer based. Here is the code snippet of role switch part.
uint8_t advertising = true;
void user_adv_stopped(uint8_t status)
// Change the GAP role to central
advertising = false;
void user_scan_complete(uint8_t status)
advertising = true;
void user_app_on_set_dev_config_complete()
else // Ready to scan
// start a scan and a timer to stop it after some time
app_easy_timer(200, user_stop_scan);
Now i want to add role switch part on button press. Means by default device must be advertise and as i press the button it should stop advertise and start scanning. After finishing of all task as a central at the end it should go to peripheral mode means either on completion of task or timer based. So i need to calluser_app_adv_undirect_completefunction as i want to switch to central mode from advertising. If i can't calluser_app_adv_undirect_completeoruser_adv_stoppedfunctions then how to stop advertising? Can you suggest me any other way around?
With Regards,
Hi Ruchi Patel,
I allready mention in order to stop advertise you should invoke the app_easy_gap_advertise_stop() and then as soon as the advertising stops the user_app_adv_undirect_complete() function will be invoked. So in order to stop advertise you should invoke the app_easy_gap_advertise_stop() and wait for the completion callback to occur, as soon as that callback occurs then you can continue doing whatever your application should do.
Thanks MT_dialog