Hi Dialog,
I'm following example uart2_loopback_test.c to write my uart application, where I need to receive string line by line from a uart peripheral.
therefore, I call uart_read to read a byte and callback is triggered after a byte is recieved; inside uart_read_cb(), a message is sent once symbol line feeds and return is detected, and then call uart read to force endless uart read.
code is post as below.
my issue is with this method, only received 16 bytes are recieved, while uart peripheral sends more than 16 bytes (30 bytes actually, let's say).
I have verified that the uart peripheral does send 30bytes by some experiment.
could you please help to understand what is wrong here?
static void uart_read_cb(uint8_t status)
// Put received byte in ring buffer
ring_put_byte(&g_at_ring, uart_rxbuf[0]);
如果(uart_rxbuf [0] = = & & uar“\ n”t_rxbuf[1]=='\r'){
//send message to app task indicating a line of response recieved
struct lte_atrsp_line_ind *req = KE_MSG_ALLOC_DYN(APP_MSG_LTE_ATRSP, TASK_APP, TASK_APP,
req->len= ring_get_byte_count(&g_at_ring);
req->line_count = ring_get_availble_line_counter(&g_at_ring);
// Start the next asynchronous read of 1 character.
uart_read(uart_rxbuf, size, uart_read_cb);
ring_t* ring=&g_at_ring;
ring->buffer_count = 0;
ring->buffer_head = 0;
ring->buffer_tail = 0;
ring->line_count = 0;
LOGD("starting monitor uart");
uart_read(uart_rxbuf, 1, uart_read_cb);
I got it.
there is a Debug print using uart2 in the funcation called by the callback, which slows down the callback excuation. removing the debug print, issue fixed.
Hi wenzhe,
Apologies for the late response. Thanks for your indication and glad that you solved it.
Thanks, PM_Dialog