Systick timer and sleep mode

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Last seen:1 year 3 months ago
加入:2019-07-17 07:57
Systick timer and sleep mode


Can you please explain how systick timer & sleep mode work together?

1. My understanding is that systick timer doesn't prevent the system from entering the sleep mode. Is this correct?
2. If the anser to the #1 is Yes, does systick timer continues counting while in sleep?
3. If the anser to the #2 is Yes, what happens if systick exception is scheduled for a moment during system sleep?


Last seen:1 year 3 months ago
加入:2019-07-17 07:57
It seems I've found the

It seems I've found the answers.

1. Systick doesn't prevent the from entering the sleep mode.
2. NO. So, if the system uses sleep, it may take much longer for timer to count down to 0. But if you have debugger attached, systick will count without pauses.
3. Because Systick counts only while system is active, exception handling is done as usual.

Last seen:15 hours 20 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi parametrica,

Hi parametrica,

Keep in mind that when in sleep mode, all peripheral domains including Timers, UART etc are powered down. The system when operating in sleep mode is running with the Low Power Clock which can be either the internal RCX or the external XTAL32K oscillator.

Thanks, PM_Dialog