Someting miss in the UM-B-119_DA14585-DA14531_SW_Platform_Reference

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Someting miss in the UM-B-119_DA14585-DA14531_SW_Platform_Reference


It seems like your company's SDK reference doc missing reference file link.. take a look atrefer [11],i cant find the refer source or link,Others too.

For example: GATT

Similar to GAP, GATT consists of two modules: the GATT Manager and the GATT Controller. The GATT Manager is not related to a specific connection and it is instantiated once to provide a message API used to manage the internal attribute database. The GATT Manager is placed between the profile or the application and the ATT Manager and conveys messages between them. It provides service and attribute operations such as adding services and characteristics to the database, setting and getting permission level and setting and getting values to attributes.

The GATT controller is related to a specific BLE connection instance. The interface is used in both client and server roles. In a client role the interface is used to discover, read and write attributes of peer devices and to receive notifications or indications. In a server role, this interface is notified when modification of the database is requested by the peer device, and to send indications or notifications.

For a detailed description of the GATT Controller please refer to[11].

Last seen:8 hours 1 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi moiify,

Hi moiify,

Thanks for your feedback. This will be taken into account in the next SDK release, which is coming very soon, and the documentation will be updated as well.

Thanks, PM_Dialog