Simplicity v5 GBL generation

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Simplicity v5 GBL generation

Hi Guys.
I am using a BRD4001A Starter kit with a BRD4308A module, using Simplicity v5 and SDK 3.1.1.

I am trying to generate the GBL files for a soc_btmesh_light example using the "create_bl_files.bat" provided, but the application GBL is not being generated > ERROR: No data in application image (Apploader. GBL and full. GBL are generated)

When I flash this same example it works fine, with Gecko bootloader (generated using "bootloader-storage-internal-single" example project).

使用“简单指挥官命令行我can generate an application GBL, but when I try a Full OTA update (apploader + application) using EFR Connect App, I have an error msg > GATT ILLEGAL PARAMETER (0x87) - APPLICATION_OVERLAP_APPLOADER.

Any suggestion?

Thank you,
