I have successfully run the "ble_barebone" program. I can see the name of my DA14580 in the Bluetooth scanner app. Now I have two questions.
首先,我SDK5.0.4下载。但仍r, I don't find any materials to explain these example codes in detail. Does anyone know where I can download these supporting materials?
Second, I want to send some messages to my smartphone. What example codes in SDK 5.0.4 I can use? Thanks!
Hi baiyunkai,
I suggest you look in the software reference manual for the DA14580 for a description of each individual sample app in the SDK. If you are new to Bluetooth or are just looking to quickly move some data from a device to a smartphone, I suggest you take a look at our CodeLess implementation. This will allow you to explore various options and there is a great tutorial available as well.
where i can find the reference manual? I am new to SDK 5.0.4.
Here is a link:https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/restricted/UM-B-051_DA1458x_Software_Platform_Reference_1v2.pdf
Loads of documentation/tools/tutorials here://www.xmece.com/products/connectivity/bluetooth-low-energy/smartbond-da14580-and-da14583