PLT(Production Line Tool )SW Ver.4 vs DA14585/6

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Jun-ichi Tobe
Last seen:2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined:2016-04-01 10:39
PLT(Production Line Tool )SW Ver.4 vs DA14585/6

Hello support,

Does the PLT(Production Line Tool) software Ver.4 support new DA 14585/6?
If PLT(Production Line Tool) software does not support them, could you please tell me when to support DA 14585/6.



Last seen:1 week 1 day ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Jun-ichi Tobe,

Hi Jun-ichi Tobe,

No, its not supported yet, it will be supported in the 4.1 version of the tool, i am checking with the team to get a date on this.

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 6 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Hello Dialog, Have you tried

Hello Dialog, Have you tried to run the IOT code on the DA14586 - just curious how compatible
的DA14586 is with the DA14583 and how easy it would be to move complex code to the
DA14586 from the DA14583. Thank you. Craig

Last seen:1 week 1 day ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig Flanagan,

Hi Craig Flanagan,

Please dont post questions on irrelevant topics, you can always create a new post for your question.

The 580/1/3 and the 585/6, are using similar SDKs (quite identical from an api point of view) but there are differences in the stack, their memory capabilities are different so they have different memory maps, so the IoT fw wont execute out of the box from a 583 on a 586 you wont be able to run an SDK5 project as is on a 585/6 SoC, you will have to port it to an SDK6 project.

Thanks MT_dialog

Jun-ichi Tobe
Last seen:2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined:2016-04-01 10:39
Hello MT_dialog !

Hello MT_dialog !
Could you please inform us of release information of PLT Ver 4.1 for DA14585/6?



Last seen:1 week 1 day ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Jun-ichi Tobe,

Hi Jun-ichi Tobe,

We are expecting the new release approximatelly end of July.

Thanks MT_dialog

Jun-ichi Tobe
Last seen:2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined:2016-04-01 10:39
Hello MT_dialog !

Hello MT_dialog !

Is it possible to download the PLT tool ver. 4.1 during this month?
Today is already July 28th.
I confirmed that I can not download ver. 4.1 yet.
Will it be downloadable at the latest on July 31?


Last seen:1 week 1 day ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Jun-ichi,

Hi Jun-ichi,

The tool is allready released, its a matter of time when it will be uploaded on the portal, i am not aware when it will, but it will be soon enough, but i am not able to give an exact date. The local team will contact you on this.

Thanks MT_dialog