I'm trying to ble application for DA14583 with SDK version 5.04.
If I add BASS into ble_app_profile example, it occurs NMI inttrupt after 2~3 seconds.
If bass is disabled, it works fine.
I used MDK-Lite version 5.23 and armcc v5.06.
Furthermore, prox_reporter ble example in sdk without any chaning occus NMI Interrupt.
I add bass.h and bass configuation in user_profiles_config.h and callback define in user_callback_config.h as followings.
#include bass.h
#定义APP_BASS_POLL_INTERVAL (100) //1000ms, 1=10ms
# endif
static const struct profile_callbacks user_profile_callbacks = {
.on_batt_level_upd_cfm = NULL,
.on_batt_level_ntf_cfg_ind = NULL,
Hi hogyunkim,
Thanks for your question. An engineer of the local team will reach out directly.
Thanks, PM_Dialog