Legacy Pairing (Passkey) security not supporting for ACL connections

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Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Joined:2020-08-05 09:45
Legacy Pairing (Passkey) security not supporting for ACL connections

Dear Dialog Team

I am working on an application to communicate in between DA14531 SmartBond TINY Module and u-blox BLE module, I am successfully connecting and data transferring in between them. (In DA14531[peripheral mode]I am using OpenCPU mode and in u-blox BLE[central mode]module I am using AT Mode)

Now I want to provide security for DA14531. So, I have enabled Legacy Pairing (PassKey) security for my DA14531. After this modification also DA14531 is not asking for any PassKey while trying to connect from u-blox BLE module using AT+UBTACLC= command, instead it is connecting directly to u-blox module without any security.

I followed "http://lpccs-docs.dialog-semiconductor.com/Tutorial-DA145x-BLE-Security/..." while enabling Legacy Pairing security.

But, I am able to see that security implementation(i.e DA14531 is asking for the passkey) while I am trying to connect with the "Dialog-BLE Scanner" mobile application.

Can anyone of you explain to me what is happening, and how can I provide security to my DA14531?



Last seen:22 hours 51 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ravikiran4,

Hi ravikiran4,

Thanks for your question online and for your interest in our DA14531 chip. Could you please clarify which type of security you would like to use?

Additionally, could you please try to explain what is the issue when following the tutorial?

Would it be possible to use a BLE Sniffer and provide an over the air capture?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Joined:2020-08-05 09:45
我想美联社ply Passkey

我想美联社ply Passkey security mode in between two different BLE modules:

  1. NINA B112(Central Mode) with AT Command interface
  2. Dialog BLE DA14531 (Peripheral Mode) with OpenCPU coding

*Here my Dialog BLE is set with "Display Only" secure mode withpredefined passkey (971997)in OpenCPU code itself.

*NINA B112 is in SM5 "Keyboard Only" secure mode.

1. I would like to use Legacy Pairing (Passkey) security.

2. When I am trying to connect from NINA B112 BLE module to Dialog BLE using AT commands as below:

AT+UBTB=482335001832p,1 ->Bonding request from NINA to Dialog BLE


+UUBTACLC:0,0,482335001832p ->ACL connection is successful

+UUBTUPE:482335001832p ->万能钥匙进入BLE请求对话框

AT+UBTUPE=482335001832,1,971997 ->User passkey entry from NINA


+UUBTB:482335001832p,0-> 0: Successful bonded with Dialog BLE

+UUBTACLD:0-> 0: Dialog BLE device is disconnected successfully

  1. Why my Dialog BLE is disconnecting right after bonding with NINA module? Am I going wrong anywhere?

3. Please let me know if I was going wrong anywhere? (OR) You can suggest any other possible way to connect?

Thank You


Last seen:22 hours 51 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ravikiran4,

Hi ravikiran4,

Can you please indicate which firmware are you running in the DA14531 module? Is it the CodeLess, or any other SDK example?

In case of CodeLess, please take a look at the user manual in section 9. AT Commands and read the comment of the AT+PIN.


Can you also provide a sniffer log, so that we can understand what is happening over the air?

It would be helpful to provide further clarification for how you are configuring the DA14531 Module.

Thanks, PM_Dialog