how to change the default 30s TGAP(conn_param_timeout) in f/w

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Last seen:1 year 2 weeks ago
加入:2016-05-03 07:39
how to change the default 30s TGAP(conn_param_timeout) in f/w

Dear Dialogue support,

According to BLE core spec, "The Peripheral shall not send an L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Request command within TGAP(conn_param_timeout normally 30 seconds) of an L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Response being received. ".
It also states that " If a user wants to use a value less than 30 seconds, it has to be communicated to firmware by calling LsSetTgapConnParamTimeout with the appropriate value. See Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.1 [Vol. 3] [15], Part C Section 9.3.9. "

In our application we try to reduce the default 30 seconds to a shorter value but I've searched everywhere but so far no clue on how to do that yet? Do you have idea how to do this to make DA14580 to use a shorter Tgap? Is LsSetTgapConnParamTimeout something to be provided optionally on iPhone/Android or on DA 14580 SDK? Seems I cannot find any information on this - even google gives very limited information.

Thanks for your help & best regards,

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi uta_lc,

Hi uta_lc,

Although i dont see anywhere in the BLE specification the LsSetTgapConnParamTimeout parameter or what you mention in your post regarding using a value less than 30 seconds, on the 580 there is no time restriction between successive parameter update requests. There is a 30 seconds timer that is used in order to timeout the operation if there is no reply from the master, but i dont see any restriction in sending additional connection parameter update in less than 30 seconds, as long as the previous update has successfully ended, for example i can increment my connection parameters via a timer elapsing every 10 seconds and sending a parameter update.

Thanks MT_dialog