How to add custom profile in external processor example

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How to add custom profile in external processor example

Hello Dialog

I did run prox_reporter_ext(target_apps\ble_examples\prox_reporter_ext\) & reporter (host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter).
(refer my previous post ->

- I want to add custom profile in this example app.

Do i need to modify current examples (prox_reporter_ext & reporter)?
There are many documents to add custom profile in Integrated processot case,
but I cannot find any documents in my case (using external processor)

Could you advice to me how to add custome profile ?

I found this from UM-B-119, but can't find Ref.[16]

2.6.2. External Processor

在这种情况下,外部处理器存在或in mid and high complexity applications, the DA14585/586/531 can be used as a BLE interface controlled from an external processor via a proprietary protocol called Generic Transport Layer (GTL). The DA14585/586/531 can accommodate the link layer, the host protocols and the profiles and the external processor will implement the application functionality. The two components will communicate via GTL over a serial link which can be either UART or SPI. More information on the external processor configuration as well as an example application can be found in Ref. [16].

I'm using DA14531-00FXDEVKT-P & SDK 6.0.12

Thanks in advance.

Last seen:16 hours 45 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi swkim112,

Hi swkim112,

There isn't any implementation or user manual for how to add a custom profile in external host application. A possible solution might be to retrieve the data from the database by using a custom message and a custom function that reads the database from the 531 and returns a message over the GTL interface to your application. For example in the 531 prox_reporter_ext in the diss service there is a function diss_set_value_req_handler () that is used in order to set data in the database (its invoked by the windows application as soon as the application has a confirmation that the device has created the database). You can create an additional function in order to retrieve the data from the database with attmdb_att_get_value() and return the value over GTL. However, it’s not a straight-forward implementation and you should develop it by yourself. Do you have a project based on this kind of application?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
Joined:2019-11-16 02:26
I'm able to add FindMe Target

I'm able to add FindMe Target & Battery server into prox_reporter_ext,

but when I try to add Cust1 there is an error message.

I added following into "user_profiles_config.h

#define CFG_PRF_FMPT // Find Me Profile Target role
#define CFG_PRF_BASS // Battery Service Server Role
#define CFG_PRF_CUST1 // custom 1 server

.\out_DA14531\Objects\prox_reporter_ext_531.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol rom_cust_prf_cfg (referred from jump_table.o).
Not enough information to produce a SYMDEFs file.
Not enough information to produce a FEEDBACK file.
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.
Finished: 4 information, 0 warning and 1 error messages.
".\out_DA14531\Objects\prox_reporter_ext_531.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).

please help to fix this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Last seen:16 hours 45 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi swkim112,

Hi swkim112,

As it was mentioned in my previous comment, this will not be a straight-forward implementation. The rom_cust_prf_cfg is defined in the ROM code, so that’s why you are getting this error. Couple of modifications might be done and override some ROM variables. Can you please clarify why you need the custom profile in the pxp_reporter_ex? Which is the background for your requirement and what kind of application you are planning to develop? However, I will escalate your requirements internally and I will get back to you.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
Joined:2019-11-16 02:26
Hi Dialog

Hi Dialog

Thanks for your reply.

This project is for BLE enabled IOT device, sorry for i cannot mention exact project purpose.

My project requirements are same as reporter and need to add some profiles:

- find me target - IAS : is it same as proximity reporter's IAS?

- battery service : for battery status monitoring

- SUOTA : sw update

- additional custom profile : for read / write / notify some events to / from device

通过适合于设备发送一些数据(例如发送12b byte data to device)

For enable custom profile, I have another query to you.

- When I build with "empty_template_ext" project, I have following error, please check this too.

compiling prf_utils.c...
compiling user_custs_config.c...
..\src\custom_profile\user_custs_config.c(69): error: #20: identifier "custs1_init" is undefined
custs1_init, NULL
..\src\custom_profile\user_custs_config.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
compiling user_custs1_def.c...
compiling user_periph_setup.c...
compiling user_empty_template_ext.c...
".\out_DA14531\Objects\empty_template_ext_531.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).


Last seen:16 hours 45 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi swkim112,

Hi swkim112,

Let me escalate your question internally and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
Joined:2019-11-16 02:26
Hello Dialog,

Hello Dialog,

Is there any progress?

I'm waiting your support, please update me.


Last seen:16 hours 45 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi swkim112,

Hi swkim112,

Apologies for the delay. Probably I missed your question. I don’t have any update yet, but I will ask the Team internally again.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:16 hours 45 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi swkim112,

Hi swkim112,

Can you please indicate why you need to add the custom profile in the DA14531 side? Since you would like to read / write / notify some events to / from device, you can do ii from the external device. So, you will have the custom profile in the external host, and you will need to send events to the DA14531 over GTL. Also, is your DA14531 acting as a central or as a peripheral? Do you need to add the custom profile to the pxp_reporter_ext just to enable it over the GTL?

Thanks, PM_Dialog