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Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hard fault handler

Dear Dialog_Support

We have design our custom board using DA14583 chip .
The issue we are facing is if a debug firmware on custom board always entering into Hardfault handler.
And the same firmware works fine on dev kit pro. I have kept dev kit on running whole day didn't get any issue .
But on custom board it is always entering into hard fault handler even the SDK sample example.
Can anyone one tell me what is the issue.
It's urgent to solve please help

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

Since this is a custom board and the same fw runs on the pro kit obsiously is a hw issue , i am not able to tell what exactly is the problem on the custom hw that could cause this kind of error since this can be due to a number of reasons. What you can do as a start in order to debug this, you will have to check using the Hardfault_Handler where the device crashes and what command causes the Hardfault to occur. You will be able to find more info in the Tutorial section : Training 8 : Debugging methods_v1.1.

Thanks MT_dialog