Hello Dialog,
I wanted to set some read and write call back functions thar are used to be communicated with the mbedtls library. i wanted to make use of the GATT server for this. Could you suggest what are the available api functions that I can use for this? As far as I understand, the api's given in ble_gatts.h are used for read and write requests, notifications between two ble_devices. Is this so or we can use these api's for porting with mbetls library as well?
Thanks in advance
Hi Prasanna,
Could you please indicate why you need the GATT layer of the BLE for this implementation?
In the following user manual you can find description for the BLE framework:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hello PM_Dialog,
我想我们e GATT layer as an interface for the mbedtls to send and receive DTLS messages.
Hi Prasanna,
There are a couple SW examples on the DA469x product page that describe how to use the APIs to send BLE indications/notifications. How would you like to send the messages to the peer device?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hello PM_Dialog,
My idea is as follows
Mbedtls -> GATT server -------------------------------------------------------> GATT client (of BLE_Central)
Mbedtls -> GATT Server ------------------------------------------------------->GATT client (of BLE-Peripheral)
Hi Prasanna,
Yes, you could use BLE notifications or indications to send data between 2 connected devices. Please take a look at theDA1469x Custom bluetooth serviceSW andDA1469x Tutorial BLE Custom Servicetutorial. The SDK APIs should be used.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
Are there any examples that implements the DA14695 USB as both the GATT client and the GATT server at the same time? Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Prasanna,
If you mean to act as a Central and as a Peripheral at the same time, this is not possible. However, you can do role switching.
Thanks, PM_Dialog