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Last seen:1 month 2 days ago
Joined:2018-06-20 08:07


I am willing to use the posix lib from amazon-freertos located at :
It is packaged with freertos 10 while the DA1468x SDK is packaged with freertos 8.

Are there any roadmap available indicating if / when upgrade is planned ?

Thank you in advance


Last seen:4 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi bobspam@free.fr,


We are working on FreeRTOS 10 support in the DA1468x SDK. The expected time line for release is Q2 2019.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 2 days ago
Joined:2018-06-20 08:07


Thank you for your answer. It is good to know but I can not wait 6 month.

I replaced most of FreeRTOS 8 files by 10 ones. Compilation of the new version together with POSIX lib from amazon is finally ok if:
- ARM_C0/port.c and portmacro.h are not updated. (new version implements Thumb-2 that end-up to some compilation errors)
——激活configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION。的following statements must be included in main.c :
- #define configIDLE_TASK_STACK_SIZE 60 (the figure 60 has been reported to be used in some other Cortex-M0 projects)

I ended-up with
Building target: FreeRTOS_Demo.elf
Invoking: Cross ARM C Linker
c:/program files (x86)/diasemi/smartsnippetsstudio/gcc/4_9-2015q3/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: FreeRTOS_Demo.elf section `.bss' will not fit in region `RAM'
c:/program files (x86)/diasemi/smartsnippetsstudio/gcc/4_9-2015q3/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: region RAM overflowed with stack
c:/program files (x86)/diasemi/smartsnippetsstudio/gcc/4_9-2015q3/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: region `RAM' overflowed by 864 bytes

Meaning that I need to clean-up the SDK by removing unused features...

To be continued

Last seen:4 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi bobspam@free.fr,


As it has already been mentioned in the precious post, the is not currently supported. Although, glad that you replaced most of FreeRTOS 8 files by 10 ones and thanks for the indication.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 2 days ago
Joined:2018-06-20 08:07
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

A few days of work later

- DA14683 SDK can be compiled successfully with arm-none-eabi-gcc version 15:6.3.1+svn253039-1build1 delivered in standard with Ubuntu LTS 18.0.4. Default configuration of the compiler is broken but homemade Makefile withnostdlibactivated on both compilation and linking finally works.
- The following sequence must be linked manually : crt0.o crti.o crtbegin.o [-L paths] [user objects] [gcc libs] [C libs] [gcc libs] crtend.o crtn.o ( thanks to Gentoo forum :https://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/crt.txt). This sequence does not seem to be properly set in Eclipse environment. To be checked; because it seems that there are some system headers used and redefinition happens when trying to use amazon POSIX libs.

- FreeRTOS files from amazon repository can be used "as is" to replace the V8 delivered in the SDK
- V8 ARM_C0/port.c and portmacro.h must still be used because of implementation of DA1468x low level features
- #define configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION 1 (with functions added to main.c. see previously)
- #define configUSE_POSIX_ERRNO 1 must be added in FreeRTOSConfig.h
- some relative path to some headers files are to be cleaned to avoid usage of V8 headers
- remove PRIVILEDGE_DATA redefinition in V10 mpu_wrappers.h
- use an empty FreeRTOS_POSIX_portable.h from other targets

- POSIX files from amazon repository can be added to the project and compiled as is.

freertos_retarget works fine on USB dev kit using this configuration.

I still need to check POSIX implementation of amazon before going on but all this sounds mature and ready to be used so you should consider to move forward and bring it into the SDK. POSIX libs is a very efficient way to prototype software under linux and to bring it down to embedded systems.

To be continued...

Last seen:1 month 2 days ago
Joined:2018-06-20 08:07


I do confirm that there is no major difference between FreeRTOS 8 embedded in the SDK and FreeRTOS 10 maintained by Amazon.

Porting ARM_C0/port.c and portmacro.h is straightforward. Source code is identical with one exception at the beginning of assembly sections where FreeRTOS 10 enable the usage of Thumb2.

I do confirm that it works easily and that POSIX adaptation layer is also working.
pthread_create is OK.

Heap consumption is higher so memory map must be checked, "stack overflow" and "malloc failed" hooks must be activated to get proper debug.

亚马逊版本缺少pthread_cancel函数to properly execute service destructors. This should not be critical in systems not designed to be shutdown.

Best Regards

Last seen:4 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi bobspam@free.fr,


Thanks for your indications.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 2 days ago
Joined:2018-06-20 08:07


Amazon implementation of pthread uses a very low level of stack memory for a created thread.
pthread_attr_t must be used to get proper behavior of the overall system by manually setting stack size of each thread.

I also do confirm that mutex and message queue works too.
Condition variables and semaphore are still to be tested on my side.

的Amazon software is delivered with a lot of other nice stuff
- PKCS11

Next version of DA1468x might be 256k of internal memory :-)
